
By bananablip


hustings tonight but it was so packed that we had to go on the front row and could only actually see two candidates properly. to be honest, i found the student hustings last week much more interesting. the chair, a local radio presenter, was able to facilitate much more discussion between the candidates and each other and the audience. this one felt a little polite and stuffy and like nobody was really challenged about what they were saying. considering the majority of the audience said that tonight could be the deciding event for them, i don't feel like any candidate really stood out from the rest. i'm reluctant to say too much on here about where my vote will be going, as i would like to maintain some relationship with family members post-election.

today we were able to go back into school and met with the same students as yesterday which was really good. hopefully we'll be able to do some ongoing work with the hardest hit, which is good.

the rest of the day was spent in the office longing to be outside of the office.

(tjc asked me on the way home what i would put forward if i was to run for parliament. my manifesto would include:
a three day weekend, no working when the sun is out and no working on your birthday.
hannah moore: making britain great).

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