1959 Corvette

We drove to Bowling Green, Kentucky today & our first stop was at the National Corvette Museum where we saw, among many others,  this 1959 corvette.  (the sign that says 1957 refers to the corvette that's out of the picture, to the right). A man bought this car in 1959 & drove it almost every day, including on dates with his (then) girlfriend, driving it on their wedding day, etc.-- it was his "special car" until his death, at which time his wife drove it occasionally--eventually she decided to donated it to the museum in her husband's honor. 
When we finished at the museum we drove to the site of the "Lost River" where we planned to take the boat ride that's totally underground inside a long cavern & is about a mile long--however, due to the recent heavy rains the cavern was flooded so the boats couldn't go in! :(  
They had some really nice nature trails though, which we took to see the 3 "blue holes"--areas where the underground river surfaces--& also saw a blue jay, lots of cardinals & some really pretty wild flowers. Started heading toward Louisville & stopped at the Kentucky homestead of Abe's father, Thomas, & it's where  Abe was born in 1809. There is a large memorial there that houses an old log cabin...the cabin that's displayed was built in 1849 & came from the surrounding area, & while it isn't Abe's cabin, he would have lived in one almost exactly like it...rough hewn logs with Kentucky red clay used to fill in the openings between the logs, a dirt floor, & 1 large room where the whole family would live/sleep. It's such a huge contrast between the small, handmade log cabin inside the memorial, & the grand memorial itself ,which sits on top of a hill & looks like a building that belongs in Washington D.C. 
Huge pilars surrounding the main memorial---inside, 16 brass holders for the brass chain that surrounds the cabin; 16 windows, 4 on each side; 16 rosettes carved into the ceiling--all depicting that Abe was the 16th President of the United States. The memorial is much like the man himself, who started from humble beginnings but became larger than life! :)

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