Wightwick Manor - lake

Wightwick Manor, on the outskirts of Wolverhampton, is an amazing collection of Pre-Raphaelite treasures, largely because the wife, Lady Mander, had the knack of snapping up wonderful bits and pieces of out of fashion Victoriana at various sales.

The original house was designed and built in the Pre-Raphaelite period and has William Morris wallpaper and drapery and there were many original and wonderful paintings (one is going on loan to the Tate Britain very shortly) but the over the top density of the collection results from the shopping brilliance of the later lady of the house.

The gardens, too, are well worth a wander. At this time of year, the rhododendrons and azaleas, framing the lake, give rise to exceptional reflections - and this was on a day without much sun !

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