
What a difference a day makes.

I got up at 3.30am again and went fishing. For the first time ever I felt a little bit unwell on the water. At first I felt a bit of a headache an it got worse from there. By the time I realised I was seasick it was way too late. My headache and nausea was so bad I nearly abandoned my crab pots and headed for home. Home being a 10km and 20 minute boat ride. Well amidst some serious hurling I managed to retrieve the pots, get back to the harbour and get home. I hurled as I brought the car to a halt in the yard. Apparently the motion of the car affected me as well. The headache was like none I have ever had in my life. I took 3 asprin and went straight to bed till 10ish. It has taken the rest of the day to recover.

Apart from that not so good start to the day we also went for lunch with Dad at the home. More bad news. He has decided that he wants to go home and when we arrived he was in a dark mood. I fully understand his frustration but the builder hasn't finished renovating his shower yet so he will be there till Friday. He doesn't understand and we can't make him understand. Not a good situation. I am not looking forward to tomorrows visit.

The rest of the day was taken up with boat cleaning and a lot of motorsport viewed from the couch.

Tomorrow I have my first truck driving lesson before work.

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