at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


This is ivys other sure fire method of making us laugh, aside from her frowny face. She also likes to run round the corner behind the fridge and shout 'hiding'

I had to go to Inverness for a scan today, so ivy went to Hannah's for a day of playing dress up and eating chocolate cake. This morning having been told where she was going ivy ran about putting things into her little backpack and scooping up poppy dolly. There was a minor moment of panic when we realised we had no car seat, but thankfully I now have spare keys to our new car - so once I worked out where in the village it was parked we were sorted.

My day in Inverness wasnt so bad - I popped into a 'nappucino' this morning (it's real nappy week don't you know) and had a sit down and a coffee and chatted about cloth bumming, baby wearing and reusable sanitary products. It's funny how easy it is to have conversation with people when you know you have at least one thing (In this case nappies) in common.

After my scan I had to go for my first steroid injection. Unbelievably sore! I normally chat through injections, figuring its a mainly psychological thing - but the pain that followed the initial scratch was insane. I consider myself quite brave and I cried. The nice nurse gave me fudge after. Got to go for another one tomorrow, not looking forward to it, but at least ivy doesn't have to come see. Shes seen me have blood taken and get
Injections and been fine with it, think if she witnessed steriod injections all that positive work might be undone.

Euan and ivy came to collect me, we stopped off in lidl on the way home. Ivy was very pleased that she got to go choose yoghurt, she picked up two - declared 'cheap yoghurt!... Basket!' and went to find Euan. We also let her pick some 'fancy ham' and a 'big
Pear'. She's getting very good at assigning adjectives. Euan and I have decided we will be stopping in when bringing the twins back from hospital, to buy cured meats and pate that I've been
Forbidden in pregnancy, and -if they still have it- a whole shoulder of cured sereno ham for £30. Think if we weren't
So Skint just now (petrol has really really stacked up this month) Euan would have come away with one there and then whether u was allowed it too or not.

Poor ivy was sick in the car for the first time ever today. I think
Wed over filled her tummy - Euan had fed her lots of
Pancakes and I gave her a banana right before she got in the car. We only
Knew she was sick because she told us she needed a wipe. Thankfully our fancy new car seats have washable covers! A special feature that is just ideal- I'm her old car seat wed have just had to febreeze it. Dolly needs a trip in the washing machine....

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