twinned with trumpton


Awakened by boys at 6, but suddenly came to at 0740. I blame the mystery cold.
So a slightly frantic school prep (can't have been that bad as we walked and still made it on time...)
Then Asda for cake materials for POP, and a wee Cigs blip at the bottom of Easter Road, and then to...the bike shop! To try out the steed for tomorrow - an electric cargo reverse trike thingy. With a bucket on the front to carry two in - probably G and Alex; Tom's ridden the previous 3 and not about to stop now. Pretty neat wee thing. Unstable beyond certain speeds (front wheel steering which tilts??) but looking forward to an extended spin on it tomorrow.

Then home / lunch and took Jack to the park for an hour (was OK) and then to drop of Tom's bike in town as well as the hoover we now seem to share...

Home again for - stir fry noodles and a Tom melt down. He couldn't see that by pulling Alex's hair that he was somehow not the injured party...

Sheesh... eventually bathed and to bed and the perennial writing of lists goes on....

It's the blue door at Lidl again; imindoors has his mill, Middleman has his disused factories at Fountainbridge, I have the blue door at Lidl....

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