From Day to Day....

By GuernseyGirl

Ready for Jubilee.....

Zach and Papa are ready for jubilee day! Tomorrow our Church is holding a street party with Food, Face Painting, Bouncy Castles, Old fashioned street games, Competitions, Live Jazz group, 50's dancing and lots more and it's all free! Our church is in an area of the town surrounded by flats (with some needy people in) and our aim is to get them out on to the street talking to each other and giving a community feel! The Governor of Guernsey is opening it at 2pm which is a great honour for us. He is the Queen's represntative as head of the Island. He will be with us till 2.45pm. We are praying for a great fun day and good weather PLEASE! On Sunday we have a family service in the morning with a Jubilee theme and we are having BACON ROLLS!!! Have a great weekend everyone!

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