
By Madchickenwoman

"Blue" Day!

Had fun this morning watching The Rowers muck around on the river! I think they would call it training as it was the youth section - all teenagers going up and down! Decided to give the filters on my camera a go - so the blues have it! But only for this photo!!
It was a beautiful morning, misty start as I opened a friends chickens so dressed for rain with Portly Lucy's walk. It didn't! It was mild, still, calm and at times sunny! After watching the rowers we went along the river to the boat yard and up through the woods. It's the turn of the wild garlic to flower - I know it can be used for cooking so must hunt out a recipe in my pagan or foraging cookbooks! 
I did intend to go up the allotment - but I didn't as it started to rain - so I didn't need to feel guilty about not going up! I should feel guilty at not planting seeds instead! But I don't! I'm being thoroughly lazy - or going with the flow - and it's not flowing so am pretty stationary - but it's a good, calm, still  place to be!

More blue and a little green!!

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