Long as a piece of....

Finally got to use the colourful string I bought Friday! My bean wigwams now have colourful tops and I just need the beans to start growing! I didn't have long on the allotment after opening up as Colourful Mai had agreed to take Nyla to the vets as I couldn't face it after having been there so recently with Estelle. I was just waiting to get a message as to what time she was going to pick her up. So having replaced the battery which electrifies the chicken fence which had been flashing red the previous evening,  I dug another spade width of a bed and pruned a redcurrant of which half seemed to have died. As I was doing a weed on the other beds I noticed the rainbow Chard seeds  that I had shaken from the plants over the ground at the end of last season were sprouting up - Yippee! Then a message from Mai - she was at my house! her previous message had got lost in Facebook and she had just seen that fact! So a hasty packing up and home I went!
Nyla had actually looked a little better after a night's sleep - but she was bubbling and rasping and had made no attempt to get out of the trug. The vet said heart failure due to Oedema would have occurred - no idea what caused this and without an expensive autopsy we will never know, it  would also entail  taking her body up to Exeter ourselves. Just have to accept chickens die and with the constant influx of rehomed chickens who knows what they each bring with them into the coop. We'd have to cull the lot and disinfect everything and start afresh with chicks to minimise disease and that is soooo not going to happen! 
So on with the day - another call to Sky as my bit of kit to make it work fully still hasn't arrived! Apparently it was packed and awaiting delivery from them! Had to wait a full 5 days ( only 4 gone so far!) before they could create a complaint to that part of the organisation! Later I got another phonecall saying they had expedited it and should receive within the next 2 days!! Anyone want to place any bets on whether it actually allows the box to pick up my wifi when it arrives and is set up? !!!
I could have spent the rest of the day sorting out the wooden chest in my bedroom, or the kitchen cupboards which still persist in throwing their contents out at me whenever I venture into them - or even starting the 3 years old ironing pile! But instead i slept and read my book for the rest of the day!! Well - have to have something to do tomorrow apart from sowing seeds at home and maybe digging some more on the allotment! 
Oh and I think Tilly is getting far too domesticated or is really trying to piss the cat off - she has taken to sitting in the places Fat Cat likes to sit! 

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