The trail camera doesn't take the best pictures in the world, especially at 2am in the morning. It has the benefit however of being able to take footage for days on end, taking infra red photos at night and in all weathers. I don't even have to be around to get a glimpse of what strolls in front of the lens.
Since the chicken attack I've left it out, tied to the bars of the chicken run, in the hope of finding the culprit. I removed the dead chickens yesterday morning as they were getting a little bit high and I don't want to attract blow flies near the sheep, I ran through the photos and videos quickly. Most of the files are of me setting up, disposing of chickens and nettle spraying or of the dogs sniffing around the pen. Then just as I was about to delete the lot I came across a cluster of photos and videos, which, law of sod, cut short.
So here is Charlie, sniffing about where my chickens lay and the most probable culprit for the end of my poultry keeping days. I've a couple of his bushy tail, a couple out of focus as he walked towards the camera to inspect and another couple of almost recognisable fox pics, of which this is the best.
I'm blipping this only because I needed to know it was the fox and not the badger. A brock was found dead on the lawn in my next door neighbours garden yesterday. It wasn't long dead and had a horrific injury on his back. I assume he was hit by a car, tried came back to the sett that runs under the house but. didn't make it to the entrance. I had wondered if was the badger to blame as the chickens were only metres from an old entrance and easy prey if he was sick but, I'm now even more convinced it was this chap here.
Little matters now... there will be vegetables in there in a couple of weeks!
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