
I'm not sure why, but the last thing I do before I leave the house is to grab a piece of fruit (usually an apple) from the fruit bowl. It's a habit, half the time I don't even realise I'm doing it. Nine times out of ten the apple gets eaten straight away but sometimes it gets stashed away in my bag. Today I was clearing out a bag that I haven't used for ages and discovered this mummified apple. I was about to chuck it in the bin, cursing my slovenly ways, when I noticed the dear little wrinkly face. Blip sorted!
I've had a fairly lazy day today, lots of that resting stuff which was actually quite welcome having woken up feeling as though I'd got on the wrong side of a steam roller. I did have a little stroll into town to get some guinea pig food, baked (and ate) some banana and ginger muffins and whinged endlessly about the incompatibility of warm weather and surgical stockings. I was half tempted to blip the offending items but was worried that the alluring sight of overstuffed scratchy white nylon might get pulses raised to dangerous levels and I wouldn't want a coronary on my conscience!!

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