I can't see the wood for the trees

J couldn't make his mind up this morning, if he was going out on the motorbike, or not. After checking out the weather forecast, he decided he was going. Then there was the difficult decision of what bike he would take. Next it was, should he wear his wet weather gear, or not! It took him at least half an hour to make these  life threatening decisions, and then he was gone. I decided to go for  another practice walk, and i started off really well, but i stopped way too many times to take photos. I saw a man fishing in the river, but he wasn't as nice as the guy i saw the other day, so i didn't take his photo his loss     Just as i came out of the field, onto the A48, which is a part of the walk i hate, as it is way too busy and noisy, i saw this tree. I knew it would be my blip for today. The cars that were driving past at great speed, were looking at me as if I was mad, taking a photo of this tree trunk.  On my way back i stopped to buy the paper, and when i got home J was still out. I made myself a coffee and a piece of toast , and sat down to browse the paper. All was peaceful in my world.  About an hour later J came home, and my peace was over joke He came through the door, looking rather pained. I asked, what is the matter, and he said, i have drunk four coffee's and i haven't had a wee. Don't forget , that he has over trousers on, in case it rained, boots over the top, and all this had to come off, before he could make it to the bathroom.   The look of relief on his face when he had been ,was a picture  You can imagine what i did, yes, laughed my head off.  We are going to have a chicken stir fry for our meal soon, and i am looking forward to that. 

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