Front Garden

We never used to spend any time in our front garden. It is in an elevated position above the pavement and it always feels a bit like you are on display when you are in it. Well, that's one reason but I guess the main thing is that although we just about managed to keep the grass cut in time, the rest of the shrub beds and path were pretty weed ridden, overgrown and mossy and we were a bit embarrassed to be letting down the neighbourhood.

Not anymore. Not since my lovely husband began spending vast amounts of time working hard to get it into shape. Not since he moved the bench into the front and we started hanging out their in the evening, cup of tea in hand. No, now our front garden is the place to be.

This afternoon, post school and work, there was a flurry of activity in the front garden. My lovely husband was pruning back a wayward flowering currant, the littlest one was doing roly polys on the grass, the older one and his granny were having a great old chin wag on the front steps, poppa was sitting on the bench drinking a cup of tea and I was lying on the grass looking up at the beautiful leaves of our rowan tree and enjoying the blue skies above.

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