Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Hairy Legs

First day of the half-term hols today and it all felt a bit strange! I've felt a bit out of sync all week with the days and I was convinced that yesterday was Friday so today just didn't fit in really. We had to wait in this morning for the electrician to come and check the washing machine, dishwasher and tumble drier out. Apparently the reason the tumble drier had stopped working was very technical - it wasn't plugged in!!!! Very embarrassing! The plugs for the washing machine and the tumble drier are at the back of a cupboard where the footy boots are kept. When someone took a pair out a few weeks ago they must have accidentally pulled on the lead! I didn't even think to check.

My youngest went out to play about 10.30 this morning and, apart from 10 mins for his dinner, stayed out all day! The other two have never done that so it felt very strange. My middle son had a friend around for the afternoon and my eldest did some revision - allegedly!!! I did some cleaning, ironing, washing, shopping and reading. All in all a pretty uneventful day.

I took loads of photos in the garden just before teatime and this is the best of them all. I was pretty disappointed today as I found 2 caterpillars but the photos are not as clear as I would have liked.

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