
By mambo

April Allotment

For the first time in many years we didn't go down to London to watch the marathon. Over the years Mr P has done it many times as has Becky's husband. Mr P has coached many runners to get a personal best and today was no different as one of his athletes got a very respectable 2 hour 33 minute time and came in the top 100.
Watching it on T.V made a nice change to be sat in our P.Js eating croissants instead of pelting round the route trying to catch a glimpse of someone you know.
Later in the day Mr P went to the allotment to do yet more digging. I strolled round later taking some possible blips on the way. When I got to the plot I snatched a quick snap without him knowing so today's blip has to show all his good work.
Will do a blip later in the season to hopefully show the rewards.

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