The Red Lichtie

By kaz125

Supplies ;)

Bit of an emergency blip tonight. i was at the park earlier but no suitable blip photos!

This was part of the stash we returned from holiday with last week. Think it's the first time we have ever returned from holiday with more alcohol than we took but there was a brilliant offer on the Arran Sunset at the brewery - £10 for 8 bottles which were past there best before date but still tasted their best plus peter and i won 15 bottles between us on an alcoholic grand national sweepstake when we drew the 2nd and 3rd horses. 2 bottles of Arran gold as you can't get it in any supermarket I have found and finally Stinas bottle of 10yr old malt and my bottle of Lochranza Reserve which I was given as a present.

We'll be a very merry family for a while ;)

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