The Red Lichtie

By kaz125


Had originally taken a lovely set of photos this morning when we took the dogs to Easthaven for a change only to find when I got home that the card was still in the reader from when I'd been downloading photos last night. As they say, old age doesnt come easy...
Have been meaning to take a photo of the girls for a while to send to their great aunt and since both of them spent a while making their hair look beautiful today decided to try and get a photo for her tonight. Rank amateurs! They are never going to grace the pages of Vogue with poses like that. They both have reason to celebrate though, Stina(the blue one) passed her last assesment with a good grade so can now relax for the summer. Hannah (pink) has been conditionally accepted to her favoured specialisation.She just needs to get a pass mark for the work handed in on Monday. Keeping fingers crossed.

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