Pulling my finger out

Finally got round to doing the first grass cuts of the year, spring clearing out the spider shed, tackling the water in the great loch dubh and hedge trimming where I can reach while secretly pretending I'm a destroyer of worlds. All day outdoors trying to put the good advice about getting up and at em into action. Slept so much better at night.

Found a froggie in the pond, hope I haven't disturbed it too much. Had to run open-toed into the nettles in the forest to rescue a baby rabbit from thumper's jaws, exiting via one of the neighbours pile of long cold embers. Blimmin cat. There is also hedgehog poop everywhere - but that's the best kind of poop, that's the kind of poop to feel all sorts of privileged about.

The birds got used to me and started back to their fighting and flirting and cavorting and displaying and eating. Having now tackled the grass, it's shed light on the much needed weeding and summer planting that should also be going on.

Betty's back in the garage, most expensive car EVER, making up for being low maintenance now. And I've been phoneless for a week. Trying not to drive myself crazy about any important text messages I'll never get now.

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