Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

The first time

Although we can't be completely sure given her two lives lived so far in different countries, we are pretty convinced that here, today and in her third life in Scotland, she visited the big, wide open for the first time. The sea. Her paws were splayed, like when a dog walks across a bridge and is fearful of what lies beneath. She wasn't used to the sand and even more wary of the water. But even after just a few minutes you could see the joy was just bursting to come out and loup about. Especially when she saw Max do a 10ft leap off a dune....(and land badly as it happens, bit of a scary moment right there). We risked her off the lead for five minutes later and she loved it, chasing Max here, there and everywhere. She encountered horses and other dogs and did just fine. Total beach babe.

What a beautiful day it was. Shiny and chrome and not mediocre in the slightest. For the first time in what seems like an age, we finally all spent it together outside. First at Balmedie beach and then afterwards working on the back garden path (let's just say Tess was more into that than Sam). Poor Max sustained two garden related injuries after his earlier bad fall. Both of the dugs are now flaked out where I caught them snoozing in the morning......

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