Voar Redd Up

It's been a windy and chilly day but been mostly sunny and a few wintery cold showers thrown in.  Come on summer, hurry and arrive :)

Up early today and Brian popped down along this morning.  He took me into Lerwick for a run and off we headed to see the car show at the Clickimin centre.  Lots of great new cars, one can only dream just now, I'd rather drive an old banger and have a good holiday than a new car :)  After lunch, we headed out west to see friends exhibition in the Bonhoga gallery, really good show it was.  On the way back, we stopped at fair in the Whiteness hall and spoke with friends there too :) 
I have manged to get out into the garden today and some weeding done and even managed to get the first cut to the lawn :) 
A lazy evening to finish off the day  :)

This weekend has been the annual Voar Redd Up.  Groups of volunteers across Shetland have a massive spring clean to the beaches and roadsides.  I do my bit throughout the year but would need to get orangised for next year's event.  Heading south from Weisdale and into Whiteness we passed Carl Cross and his wife clearing the roadside.  Thankfully the hi vis jackets were on and easily spotted as we came around the corner.  Well done to everyone involved and lets keep Shetland tidy :)  

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