Another Day, Another Croft

It's been another windy and cold day, more wintery showers in the morning but the sun came out in the afternoon, with the odd shower this evening. 

I've been working in the museum office today.  After I got the photo orders out of the way, I was working with old glass stereoscope photos from the 1890s.  Always amazing to go through them.  After tea, my niece Elise came over and been walkies with Sammy around Scalloway, before I put her home.  Off to work in the pub again tonight.

I went for a run in the car at lunchtime and headed towards Nesting.  I stopped off for a walk around Catfirth.  Here's another peerie old croft house I love.  It sits on the side of the hill alone but untouched for years.  A lovely traditional feel with the house, but slowly falling into a ruin.  Not sure of the name but close to the Crookadale Burn, Catfirth.  

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