Girly weekend in Gibraltar

A boozy Friday night in London rolled into an early start on Saturday morning to catch the early-morning SleazyJet from Gatwick to Gibraltar. Cunningly organised with Jen and Carole from Beijing and a surprise for Lizzy, the four of us spent the weekend there celebrating (!) the fact that three of us were hitting the big 30 within 3 weeks of each other. Now I've never been to Gib. before so wasn't sure what to expect but nevertheless, was looking forward to beers in the sunshine and going up the Rock.

Ha! Rock? What rock? We didn't see it the whole time we were there! We landed in pouring rain and mist, which lingered for the whole weekend. Not quite what we'd planned. Carole and I had even contemplated crossing the border into Spain to go diving but the miserable weather resulted in us spending most of the time indoors doing face masks, watching X Factor and having a giggle. We did venture up the Main Street for a bit of retail therapy, followed by pub grub so weren't complete hermits but we might as well have been back home! Still, it was a good job we were there because the torrential rain flooded the apartment balcony (Liz & Jen's dad works out there so we were staying at his place) and the water was up to the patio doors before we realised the severity of the weather. If it wasn't such a scary time, we'd have got photos and it would have made a top blip, but we were out there, bailing out water with bins, saucepans - whatever we could get our hands on, having moved furniture inside. It was relentless - an 11th floor apartment, about to flood! We were wading in water and were drenched. Surely up for first prize in the wet t-shirt competition but nobody could see us! Carole and Jen managed to get up onto the roof and cleared some guttering, which was the root of the problem and the rain eventually eased off. It really was a close call and unfortunately a guy in another block was in the same boat(!) wasn't as lucky. The water got in.

So - whilst it wasn't quite the sunshine break we hoped for, it was an adventure and it was lovely to see the girls. Lots of laughing, food and drink. No change there then!

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