Friday night drinks with a view...

So it'd been a bit of a week, but Friday was lovely. I finally caught up with Vicky, who I worked with in Chennai last year. I hadn't seen her since I waved her off from an hotel in Hanoi on a cold and miserable morning back in January - we'd had a fantastic holiday in Vietnam.

The day was spent lunching in a lovely fish restaurant in Borough Market. I forget the name but really good food and drink. We then walked back across the Thames and made our way back up to Trafalgar Square, via Somerset House for a coffee on the terrace. We sat in the Roof Garden of the Trafalgar Hotel, overlooking Trafalgar Square, which, on a glorious sunny Friday afternoon, was the perfect setting for Pimms and G&Ts! We caught up on the past eight months and watched the sun going down over London. Quite possibly the best views of London I've ever seen and the falling temperature didn't deter us from sitting there until it got really dark. I got to meet her lovely man too - having heard so much about him. He came along when he finished work and we then retired to Gordon's Wine Bar for red wine, and cheese ploughmans. Divine.

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