
By FauxPunk

Return to Blip

Wow, it's been a while!

Uni finished; I've actually graduated... I have a masters in Creative Writing! :-D

Work has been going well, but I've been working crazy-long hours. Basically a week of 11 1/2 hour late shifts, followed by a week of 8 1/2 hour early shifts... for 31 weeks. It all ends after next week's lates though, and I'm determined to make a return to photography this summer.

And in true faux_punk blip fashion, I couldn't return without Mathew!

From now on, it will be earlies every week, and I'll aim to get the camera out in the evenings and on weekends, whenever I can. Only problem is I'll have to try and work it around our new-found gym-addiction! It's only been two weeks though, so we'll see how long the fervour lasts! It kinda needs to though, as fat club stalled big-time over those 31 weeks, and the big holiday is in 14 weeks' time... Vegas for 3 nights, LA for 4, and San Fran for another 3. Bring it on!

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