Wherever I lay my hat...

This cap and hanky couplet have been sitting on the lookout for well over a week now, still unclaimed, just enjoying the view (on sunny days anyway).

Did my errands, managed to avoid the ironing again, daft really, 'cos the longer I leave it, the bigger the pile grows.

Have both children's birthdays on the not at all distant horizon (Little miss bossy has a countdown running on her phone) so I got stuck into some internet shopping this morning and then went food shopping.

Big mistake.

I don't shop like a local (a couple of items per day) I shop like the world's about to end (and it probably would if I didn't keep the fridge and cupboards replenished so that the constantly ravenous teen could raid them as and when). I had emptied my full trolley onto the conveyor when a random thought struck me, "I wonder if I put my bank cards back in my bag?"

No. I hadn't.

But today the gods liked me, I had enough cash to pay the bill without suffering the ignomy of having to put things back.

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