
By Stuart9613

Hope they make it

We have three bits of nonsense to look after and the girls are doing a great job with them.
A lot of orders in but not a great deal of orders for pack bedding as yet.The weather has turned very cold and it is a fact of life that you can't sell plants with your coat on.

I have took more than a passing interest in the coming election and listened carefully to the lies and promises and let me say I have always voted.However this time I have more or less decided not to.I think we deserver better than the mediocrity that is on offer and there is just to much that I dislike from both the main parties.Minor parties are just a waste of time and when you take a close look at what they are pedalling most of it is unpalatable drivel and you just thank God they will never have a chance of putting it into practice.I despise people who vote for a particular party for no other reason than they always have or because their Dad always did.

Weather has been mainly sunny but the wind has been cold.

Will reply and comment  soon.

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