
By CharlotteJ


Early start to get some work things done and then I headed to my parents for lunch. 
Dad was pleased to see me and he was delighted to have a look at the photos I had taken at the weekend.  When I was telling him about the day, we both got a little choked up, mainly because Dad got choked up and mainly because dad said he was proud of me!!!!  Gosh that caught me off guard!!!  I wish in a way he had joined us on Saturday but in another way I know it was for the best that he didn't as he wouldn't have coped with all the emotion and I would have been worrying about him.

Mum being Mum sent me home with a quiche and a set of Tupperware tubs, apparently you cant have too many!!  Sweet of her but not sure what I will use them for!!

On the way home I popped up to one of the highest points and from the view you can see Wembley Stadium, well the roof bit of it anyway.  Makes my blip today.

Got back at 2:30 and have got myself straight with work bits.  Time now for a run, then shower, wine and dinner.

Happy Tuesday everyone x

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