Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Boring day for Arch

A bit of a non-event today. I waited in all day for a delivery that I missed yesterday. 9-4 was the time frame. Great.

It eventually arrived at 4:45pm. We now have a stand to put the barbecue on. Which means, of course, if I get the BBQ out, it will rain solidly for three weeks. So it will stay in the shed for now.

Archie gazed at me longingly all day, but we couldn't go out for a walk. Though JR did take him out in between showers when she came home.

Another delivery arrived. This was a very strange one - it contained a grey/silvery dress, and a couple of rather large bras. It had my name on the delivery address! But a delivery that could not be more wrong if it tried. I do hope I haven't been charged £111.75 for such items.

Archie just goes crazy for empty milk cartons. I make him sit and wait first. What a racket - keeps him busy for ages. That's the most fun he's had today.

I finished my book, though, in between snoozes...

PS Coffee tastes damn good again! Phew.

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