Simply Me

By Suze981

Dippy and eggs!

I'm at the theatre tonight to see A View From the Bridge by Arthur Miller, accompanied by the lovely EdiSteve. I studied The Crucible for A-Level English long ago - but have yet to read or see any of this others. I won't be able to say that again after tonight! Anyway, you know I usually have a theatre blip on my review days, but not today!

A work colleague has chickens and occasionally brings eggs into the office. I've wanted some for a while now and he brought some in today! So I am now the proud owner of a box of scrummy home-laid eggs.

I usually grab a quick bite before heading to the theatre, so tonight I made dippy and eggs! I know most people call them egg and soldiers but in my family we go against the grain! I'm not sure if it's a North-East England thing, a Yorkshire thing or just my bizarre family!?! Anyway, my dippy and eggs were delicious! Thanks David!

Here is my review -

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