work in progress

A busy day.

Not firing on all cylinders after a couple of sleepless hours during the night. 

After dinner I had to get out to try to keep my system moving, so a few minutes of (very cold) fresh air at Dysart Harbour.

It has been a busy place this month. Most of the boats go back into the water on Saturday. Lots of washing, scraping and painting being done. 

Several boats are being restored and it's interesting to watch progress. The one I Blipped will not be going back into the water any time soon. Looks very neglected.

I think it's an example of the Dysart Yawl - a type of boat unique to the village.

Not for me, a project like that. When I was 20 something I bought a neglected flat (very neglected, as in still having gas lamps) and renovated it. A very hard slog for a couple of years.

Never again (never say "never").  

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