twinned with trumpton


Awake at 5 after ridiculously early night

Out and in work (frozen on the bike) before 0730; lots to do before seconded to the EICC,

So after the annual assessment of last week, the service plan of yesterday, the unholy trinity was completed with the pointless team meeting today. Any spirit previously left  was duly crushed in the hour between 9 and 10,

I escaped with her at lunchtime; tennis racquet shopping amongst other things. Too busy to blip (although I did spot my target as we swept along Princes St heading back into work after a productive 45 minutes.

An afternoon of Curtis Mayfield and the 61 day process report. (No really - it exists. I had one at 162 which I thought I'd better deal with...) before chumming her home at 6 and then I sped off to the allotment for another hour of toil in the soil.

Home for stodginess in the form of jacket potatoes with chilli baked beans and cheese. Much needed.

It's the reverse view of this one

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