A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

2 rainbows

Didn't blip last night as we went to my Aunt and Uncle's house for a lovely meal and far too much alcohol (well, far too much for Corin anyway!) Bit of a family night with my mum and Nana as well.

Got up this morning, mooched about and then popped into my Dads just to say hello. SPent the next 5 hours there, went for a walk to the park and to the stream to play pooh sticks with James (rather - pooh sticks with sticks - we didn't throw james into the water to see how fast he travelled!) The 'stream' was a river today - at least a metre higher than normal and flowing really fast.

We had lunch with Dad and Ann - lovely steaks and homemade saffron pan roasted potatoes, bit of broccoli. Then for pudding - one of my Dad's Insane Christmas puddings (He makes about 40 puds every year - he's due to do them soon - so I will get photos! But he makes two version : the "Sane" pudding i.e. it has no nuts in it, and the "Insane" version which is full of nuts.) Dad's puddings are legendary - and are so loaded with alcohol that they HAVE to be steamed prior to eating - you can't heat them in the microwave as they have a tendency to spontaneously combust!

Went outside to put something in the recycle bin and saw these two rainbows - legged it back in, grabbed the camera and there's my blip done for the day.

Off to have my second kip of the day now as I continue to be feeling pretty exhausted. Ugh!

Thanks Rose, Dave, Mum and also Dad and Ann for a lovely weekend and top food!


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