
By Madchickenwoman

Happy once more!

Tilly laid an egg! A beautiful white egg with a shell and no prolapse! She announced it by clucking loudly in the run - think she was as relieved as I was in more ways than one! Thank you all for all your kind words, wishes and hugs - I'm so touched and very grateful.
I gave Tilly a bath to wash away the sugar crystals they used to shrink the prolapse before reinserting it  and she then dried herself off in the sun with her beak.Had a bit of a wobble midday as Tilly went back in the coop and would not come out, I feared she was trying to lay another egg and this one would come out without a shell as too early to lay another - I made myself leave her and took Portly for a walk and picked up a mirror from Coop friend and clothes Sewing woman couldn't sell in her shop - not that many so hopefully I will make a bit of money back on the ones she kept! 
Came back and Tilly still in coop, when I put my hand in to check on her she pecked me! Me! Who had lavished care, tears and not to mention a hefty wodge of money on her! Then the penny dropped - she had gone broody! So i lifted her out much to her disapproval and she then spent an hour clucking round the coop looking for a way in, intermittently coming up to me and giving me a hard peck in her anger and frustration! When broody they change personality completely - they become angry feathered monsters - usually quite amusing but today a worry! Then i realised if she was broody she would not lay - so let her back in the coop! Several hours later she came out of her own accord and was her sweet self again! I think she is just all confused with the events of the last couple of days!
My blip is of one of the houses down the main street in Calstock - all used to be shops and retain the large shop windows - in its heyday there were over 20 and 4 pubs all serving the various inhabitants working in the copper mines, quarries, brickworks and associated river trade. I like this one because of the glazed image of the train on the viaduct!
So, now for an Indian takeaway and good catch up and drink with Vegan Jo - more beauty than stings today - how wonderful to be able to write that and I so hope Tilly is out of the woods and continues to lay without problem - I actually wish she never lays another egg ever again !! 

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