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Work of a different kind this evening....Mr A's Cav!

It's been poorly for the last week now and it seems to be that as one thing is fixed, another bit breaks.

Mr A was working until late, so I had to stand in as apprentice mechanic when his friend Bryan (proper mechanic) came to have a look tonight.

My job was to try and start the car, while Bryan tinkered with various things to try and eliminate possible issues and troubleshoot.
Modern cars don't have this problem; they can be connected to a laptop and have a diagnostic test such thing back in 1986!

He's decided it's an electrical problem (with the wiring, rather than the ignition), and we both decided it was too darned cold to be outside messing about, so we called it a day.

Mr A has a busy time coming up with work, so poor old Cav will have to stay tucked up in isolation for now.

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