Graven and Sullom Voe

It's been a lovely day of sunshine but there is still a chill in the wind.  Looking good for tomorrow too :)

I've been working in the office again today in the museum.  I also had a fine stroll in over to Da Street to put in a photo order and chatted with various folk along the way.  After work, I headed north to give friend Erik Erasmuson a hand clearing an old friends house and will be back again tomorrow to help out.
Working again in the pub tonight but finished early and now feet up for the evening :)

After seeing Erik at Sullom, I drove around the voe and headed to Graven for a look.  Graven is situated near Sullom Voe Oil Terminal and certainly somewhere I wouldn't want to live but be different if you came from the area.  There's loads of abandoned WWII buildings dotted around the hamlet and an old abandoned hotel too.  I must take more time here to explore.  Looking down over Graven and towards Sullom Voe. 

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