Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The Girl on the Train

Mainly at home today, with a quick trip to Hexham to give someone a lift to the station.  Aggie feeling very good, so I did 1.5 miles on the exercise bike and a few exercises. All seemed fine, until this afternoon when the knee swelled up and became more very painful. Ho hum.

Finished reading The Girl on the Train in good time for tonight's Hexham Book Festival event with the author Paula Hawkins.  The Great Hall of Hexham Abbey was full with a chattering audience, nearly all women. I think I saw 5 men. Why are book groups almost entirely a female domain I wonder?  (Discuss.)  I enjoyed hearing Paula speak about how she planned the plot and then wrote the book.

Paula agreed to let me take her photograph. I've processed this one in 2 alternative mono versions and I've made use of the new Blipfoto facility so you can give your opinions about which you like best.

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