Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


The shorter walk today was to the Coanwood Quaker Meeting House (referred to as the Quaker Chapel in these parts) and then tea at Hargill House. Audrey was the walk leader. She is a lovely leader, who prepares meticulously for her walks and then creates a warm friendly atmosphere for those who come along. She is always smiling, so this image of her is typical.

The Wigham family were the main Quaker family at Coanwood and all but one of the marked graves is theirs. There are unmarked graves of non Quakers and cattle thieves (if I understood the story correctly).

We all went to tea at Hargill House, the home of present day Wighams. Tea was brilliant and we heard more about the family from the farmer who lives there.

There was a lot of sunshine and wind today, but also heavy snow/sleet storms. More promised tomorrow.

Tonight we braved freezing temperatures to hear Alexander McCall Smith in the book festival. He must be one of the world's best gigglers, amused by his own jokes and infecting the audience with laughter.

I've added some traditional festival photos (!) for you to see if you have time.

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