Sorta cycling again...

I am kinda back in the saddle again. It has recently been a good "cycling weather" for me. I cycled my usual route but only did half the length this time. It was just a taster for today. I would like to cycle back and forth Leam and Warwick again. I cant believe how wide the paths are along the canal now compared to 3 years ago (or last year). Or have I been so used to it that I dont think it as narrow as I thought it used to be? Well anyway, point is, cycling along the canal is way "safer" than before.

Photo above is from a playground near Newbold Comyn Leisure Centre. No one was around the playground so I was free to take a few photos. I also got to try my bicycle on the ramps that are usually used by bmx riders and skaters or rollerbladers.

I woke up very very late today (woke up at 1230pm!) as I stayed up until 4am to do some more work with my research. So I ended up being very tired after waking up this morning (or noon).

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