An Artist's Life

By MariB

Fort Collins

Zipped out of Santa Fe and headed for Fort Collins, Colorado, this morning. Crawled through rush-hour traffic in Denver to get to my favorite Colorado city, Fort Collins and my favorite pizza joint, Tony's in Old Town. The picture is of the downstairs bar...another popular watering hole.Up on the roof-top area, it was a balmy evening as we had our "Nick-the Greek" pizza....lamb, feta, garlic, tomatoes, mozzarella. Very good! We Road Warriors continue to travel on our stomachs. Tomorrow night, Enzo's in Billings, MT...yessss! Through the rest of Colorado, Wyoming and into my sweet state once more. Only 400 miles to go after that! And one buon Italian night with friends in Billings. See you back in the Bitterroot where I can catch up with all of you very patient blippers. I have been able to glance at blip on my phone every pit stop to see what fabulous pix you've all put up. I hope my phone-cam wasn't turned on at the time, though....  ;-O

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