Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

The Christmas Present Conundrum...

...A back blip.

A fairly pretty daisy and a tiny beetle.

It's a back blip owing to a number of things. Mainly work, admittedly, but compounded by fair and square karma.
To do with Christmas.

Himself, he thinks, is a very easy chap to please with gifts.  He likes everything (especially any kind of consumable). However, when it comes to Christmas, and one would like to give him more than something bottle shaped, chocolate sounding (yes, they do have an unmistakable 'rattle') or cheese-fragranced,  a dilemma can ensue.
Could one be blamed (one asks oneself) for purchasing a little something 'for the house', that one has been coveting oneself???
Like a rather fetching black shiny cast iron egg-holder to fix on the wall and keep the eggs off the worktop :-)

If (IF) one lives in a house where many many eggs are consumed (and work tops are simply crawling with egg boxes) this would seem an idea all to the good.
We do not live in this kind of household.
We live in the kind of household where normal egg consumption is expected. But I like shiny black things.

So... The lovely gift found itself containing a few eggs, but at least one  (usefully printed) with a date of long long ago (ok February 5th).
And eggs (it would seem) do interesting things when left to their own devices, unboxed and unrefridgerated.
For a day or two we've been 'aware' of something almost malodorous in the sink area of the kitchen.

And yesterday...
.. Hands up all those who knew eggs could explode.
(And WHAT a mess they make!).


Next Christmas I buy him edible treats which are The Things He Likes Most.
Best all round.

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