
By kas18

Hungry Horse

Our neighbours horse loves going in the river and feeding off the banks. Sometimes he does me a favour and comes over to our side.....but not today.
More gardening today. This time of year I spend far more time outside than in.
I went to an exercise session I'd never done before tonight. It was called a turbo session. We had to take our bikes and turbos to a gym. We cycled on the turbos going up and down in gears for over 20 mins. We then got off our bikes and ran outside for 16 mins...8 mins out and 8 mins back. We then repeated the cycle and run. We finished with a 5 min cycle cool down. It was hard but really good. The guy running it called it a brick session. I'm gutted I can't go next week as I promised someone I'd cover them at work. I'll be there the week after though...no pain no gain as they say.

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