Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Bois des Rèves

Olivia and hubby picked up a bug over the weekend and both have been sick - fortunately we managed to avoid any vomit mess due to quick thinking! Yesterday was a very quiet day as both spent the day snoozing mostly (it was lovely - what a bad Mummy/wife!).
Visitors from the UK were supposed to be arriving today, but due to some terrible news for them, they had to postpone which is probably just as well due our household sickness.
Both were feeling better by this afternoon and we were all in the need of some fresh air so a quick bit of research by me and we found this fantastic park and playground approximately 25 minutes away. The wood of dreams. We played in the playground (which was fab) and then the kids cycled while we walked along some trails and then hubby introduced the kids to the game 'pooh' sticks which I for-see is going to have to be played every time we find a stream and a bridge from now on!

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