Looking Forward...

By Fiono

End of retreat

This week hasn't been too taxing at all. We were warned the week-long committee meeting would be intense but God guided our conversations and blessed us with wisdom to help us finish ahead of schedule. This morning we were able to enjoy a longer devotion and sharing our testimonies with each other. We're more than just a committee.

Once we got back to Glasgow we went our separate ways. Calum's off the Kenya; Claire to India; Jack back to Malaysia; Emma's off to Malawi; Alex is off on holiday to Spain!; John back to Lewis and Fraser will be heading to South Korea and Japan. There is a competition to bring back the most interesting item from their summers abroad. I wonder what they will come back with?

I got back in time to catch Laura's final recital at RCS which I thoroughly enjoyed. Then I nipped on a train back to Perth. Home for the holidays!

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 107:1

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