.......where's the Fat Controller?.......

The Daughter took Charlie for a day out with Thomas the Tank Engine today. The Fat Controller began proceedings by announcing the birth.......which confused all the little girls who immediately began looking for the princess.

Charlie had a great time.....ending up by winning a balloon poodle in a competition............spinning a ball on a finger tip......she managed a whole five seconds.

She got back this afternoon..........the S &  H, YH and Hannah turned up....much playing ensued...........followed by pizza.......and then we watched the United game..............what the hell is going on at Old Trafford?...........80% possession and going down to a flukey deflected goal from a free kick stupidly given away............don't get me started!!!!!!!

Fishing tomorrow......and it looks like it will be peeing down!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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