
By Fisherking

........more wedding stuff..........

Another little present from the wedding...............the Groom, the Father of the Bride, the Father of the Groom, the Best Man and the two ushers got cuff links with their roles for the day on them........the two bridesmaids...........sisters of the Bride and Groom got earrings  and these personalised mugs......emblazoned with role, date and their name.

The happy couple and Charlie and Hannah called in this afternoon.......together with Mark, YH's dad, his wife Angelina and young Malcolm......they're heading back to Hong Kong soon.

I went out to see the boys this morning............this evening I chaired the monthly I'm about to settle down to watch episode 2 of the latest series of Game of Thrones...........all in all a busy, pleasant day.

Huge congratulations to Leicester City.......Premier League Champions.......the League needed a shake up........and I  say that as a fervent supporter of 13 time Premiership winners Manchester United!

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