Life Slips By

By Cider12

Molly & Briar

Continued on my tour of blipdogs and their wonderful mums today.

Had a lovely visit and a proper jubilee English tea hosted by Susi (Tales of Horse and Hound), along with Kirstie (Pigeon's Blog). Such lovely, fun, sweet women...wish I lived closer so I could visit both of them more often.

And of course, plenty of excited cuddles from Molly and Briar!

(Missed out on meeting Roo and his mum yesterday...can you tell that I'm missing my dog? I seem to have planned to meet up only with dog-owning blippers on this trip!)

Am up in York, now. Walking from the station to the hotel involved weaving through bevies of hen and stag parties spilling out of every pub...must be Saturday night!

London photos for Wednesday & Thursday.

Extra Tamworth, Woodstock, Kirstie, Si, Susi, and the dogs photos...

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