the colour green

By jukeys

stressful day

Told the powers that be in work today that I'm giving my one week's notice. I had to do it three times! Lots of build-up to what went fine in the end and everyone was so lovely. The guy I've been working for told me I was the best PA he's ever had! :)

In the afternoon, I then had to leave work early to go to hospital for a scan. I have a (quite common) condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome (or, PCOS). I hadn't had a check-up for years so thought it best to get it done and out of the way. Thankfully, the little cysts on my ovaries haven't gotten any worse and I left the hospital feeling knackered but relieved. And also with a slab of cake from the women at the volunteers' café which I had on the way home on the bus :)

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