
By wsjohnson

Who's the leader of the club . . . . .

Okay, so like the She imposed news boycott is over, and She plopped the last weeks Chronicle on my desk earlier, along with the cable remote and my iPad, while advising that perhaps I should reflect on how I felt not knowing (really having not a clue) what had happened over the past week. Did I feel "left out" or what?

I must admit, I did feel sort of mellow - but not mellow enough to tell Her - must maintain my phoney-baloney pride you know!!!

For reasons known to no one, we found ourselves in the mall (or is it at the mall) yesterday afternoon and boom, you - no matter who you are - would not believe the CROWD packed inside the place!!!

She, being the typical English Public Schoolgirl, felt somebody knew something she did not and was miffed by the knowledge.

Seeking to remedy this slight, She "Britished" (I know, it's not a real word, but if you've ever been to Marbella, you know what I mean) her way through the crowd, only to realise this

"M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E"

Yeah, the 'mouse' was in the 'house'! Suitably disappointed, She pointed out the parents were more enthused than the kids in meeting the persona in person!

"M-I-C, see you real soon! K-E-Y, why? because we love you"

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