
Rain all day - although now (5pm) it looks like it might stop.

Cold too. 7°c when I was out at lunchtime.

A cheerful and animated gossip in the morning at the barbers. Only one topic at the moment. Not often you can get a haircut without discussing football, holidays or the weather. All 4 present are voting the same way.

On my way there I ran into a very damp Reuters reporter, trying to get into the SNP's election hub. He was at least an hour too early, so we had a natter and I gave him an interview. He looked like he needed a dram (9.25am).

An appointment with my GP practice's nurse in the afternoon. Routine maintenance. She assured me I'm still fit for purpose and ushered me out before I could ask which purpose.

Not much Blipping opportunity today, or my camera might have lost its fitness for purpose (the warranty period expired in March so I'm expecting it to self destruct any day now).

I found time to read the newspaper again. An interesting piece about UKIP's Scottish election manifesto press launch yesterday. Yes, 3 days before the election.

I guess they finally figured out what their policies are. Hate, hate and more hate, I imagine. Plus a free Daily Heil subcription for all party loyalists.

The article did produce three real facts. First, they hadn't managed to get the manifesto printed in time. (It may be ready next week.) Second, their "website" doesn't exist. Third, hardly any of their candidates turned up.

Well, they got an MEP elected in Scotland this time last year so somebody voted for them.


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