Reikes small life...

By Reike


Oh, I am not doing well tonight, the storm has been rolling in for a while now. 
But I have my man helping me to get out of a lose-lose situation to make it a win-win for everybody and whenever my dog smiles at me it makes me happy as if she is puking rainbows.
I really like what Allan wrote for his blipday today: "The sun came out, the dogs chased sticks and the grey rainy workday in Glasgow was forgotten."
Applicable for all regions of the world, I would say. 

Also, it is Hillary's blipday! It seems like so much more than three years that she shared her awesome views with us, I can't imagine Blip without her. 

And here is a link about why dogs never die. It reminded me of Mr. and Mrs. SwissRoll and the way they love their Dylan and will always do. I hope they will soon find the perfect puppy that will enjoy the lots of love they have to give so much! I hope they don't mind me posting this connected to them.

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